The ALGorithms for Optimization and Simulation group (ALGOS) of INESC
ID develops activities along two main thrusts, namely Electronic
Design Automation and Embedded System Design and Verification. The
strategic objective of the group is the development of a center of
excellence in these vectors of activity, by integrating competences
and experience from fields such as electromagnetics, electronics,
computer architecture and algorithms, and to partner with researchers,
both at INESC ID and internationally, that can contribute to those
The group is currently engaged in research and development in the
areas of:
- Quaternary Logic Synthesis
- Architectures for Dedicated computations
- Parallel algorithms and computation
- Formal Methods Applied to Compiler Optimization
- Electromagnetic, Interconnect and parasitic modeling and analysis
- Reduced Order Modeling techniques for electric, mechanical or
general system applications
- Automatic Generation of Behavioral and Parametric System Models
- Variability-aware analysis
- Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits
- Low Power Design, modeling and verification
- Embedded Systems Verification and validation
- Design and Implementation of Dedicated Architectures
- Discrete Optimization Algorithms and their Applications
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Meta-algorithm: automatic parametrization and algorithm selection