Luis Miguel Silveira Full Professor at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico (U Lisboa). Senior Researcher, HPCAS (High-Performance Computing Architectures and Systems), INESC-ID. (Principal Investigator) |
Arlindo Oliveira |
Juan Acebron Assistant Professor at Dept. of Information Science and Technology, ISCTE, Lisboa. Senior Researcher, HPCAS (High-Performance Computing Architectures and Systems), INESC-ID. |
Ruxandra Barbulescu Post-Doctoral Researcher, HPCAS (High-Performance Computing Architectures and Systems), INESC-ID. (8/2019 - 9/2022) |
João Pedro Afonso, MSc student, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, U Lisboa (1/2020 - 12/2020) |
Gonçalo Mestre, MSc student, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, U Lisboa (4/2021 - 11/2021) |
João Ribeiro Fernandes, Msc Student, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, U Lisboa (5/2022 - 9/2022) |