@InBook{mario2020, author = "Mário Véstias", title = "{Deep Learning on Edge: Challenges and Trends}", chapter = 02, publisher = "IGI Global", year = 2020, month = Jan, pages = "23-42", doi = "10.4018/978-1-7998-2112-0.ch002", isbn = 9781799821144 } @Article{marioetal2019b, author = "Mário Véstias and Rui Duarte and José Sousa and Horacio Neto", title = "Fast Convolutional Neural Networks in Low Density FPGAs Using Zero-Skipping and Weight Pruning", journal = "Electronics", year = 2019, volume = 8, month = Nov, doi = "10.3390/electronics8111321" } @Article{Aksoyetal2016, author = "Levent Aksoy and Paulo Flores and Jos{\'{e}} Monteiro", title = "A novel method for the approximation of multiplierless constant matrix vector multiplication", journal = "{EURASIP} Journal on Embedded Systems", year = 2016, pages = "1-11", doi = "10.1186/s13639-016-0033-y", url = "https://doi.org/10.1186/s13639-016-0033-y" } @Article{Aksoyetal2014b, author = "Levent Aksoy and Paulo Flores and Jos{\'{e}} Monteiro", title = "Multiplierless Design of Folded {DSP} Blocks", journal = "ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)", year = 2014, volume = 20, number = 1, pages = "1-24", doi = "10.1145/2663343" } @InProceedings{Aksoyetal2014c, author = "Levent Aksoy and Paulo F. Flores and Jos{\'{e}} C. Monteiro", title = "Efficient design of {FIR} filters using hybrid multiple constant multiplications on {FPGA}", booktitle = "32nd {IEEE} International Conference on Computer Design", year = 2014, pages = "42-47", doi = "10.1109/ICCD.2014.6974660", url = "https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCD.2014.6974660" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%